eleanors bodacious site :3

hai im eleanor or ellie :3 i also go by daisy or ezra or nathalia or mathilda or kitty or anything rlly

im a teenager (currently 15). im a libra sun virgo moon leo rising ^^ nd ermmm i has boyfriend.


emoji signifies special interest :3


- phys + ment disabled (pls ask if ure concerned as to what they r!!)

- isfj 2w1 269 lawful good melsang

- strawberry fanta as a person

- mlm girl (ask b4 u assume things abt me)

i am fluttershy he is me i am her we are one


dni if ure gonna try to b liek "no ure not" or "xyz is them not u" idgaf.

anti mspec monos (bi gay, pan lesbian, etc etc), "prns = gender", take kinning tew srsly, disrespectul/mean/hateful (self proclaimed "haters"), participate in discourse actively/have a passionate stance on it (especially lgbtcourse or syscourse omfg idc), excessively post about drugs/alc (current moots exempt), over 19